Saturday, 18 October 2014


This is the week everyone has been waiting for! Uyo Car & House Awards!  The Biggest LONGRICH event in Africa!! The Chairman / CEO of Longrich international Mr. Xu Zhiwe will grace the occasion live! This is his first visit to Africa! Longrich international is a multi-national Chinese company that produces over 1000 products from eight different categories such as: Cosmetics, Health Care products, Household equipment, furniture, Real Estate & Logistics. Longrich is known for product quality, that’s why they manufacture products under OEM (Original Equipment Mnaufacturers) for big Companies like Forbes, GSK, Carrefour and P&G, Wallmart etc. The company that arrived Nigeria in 2012, and Lunch in Uyo in September 2013 has since grown to affect many lives in Nigeria with Uyo within this period becoming the Companies highest product distributor in Nigeria. Hard working distributors get paid weekly bonuses and come saturday 18th, the company will be giving out over 8 cars and houses to deserving distributors. In march this year some people already received cars. Click here to see March 2014 awardees. This month another set of people will get cars and houses. This is in addition to an all expense paid trip to the US in September this years.
CALL 08036633808 if you want to be a LONGRICH distributor

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

LONGRICH 'movers and shakers club'.

Movers and Shakers Club, is a team under longrich MLM
Benefits of the network and joining our Team;

  • ·The club helps to encourage and improve on team members downlines ie helping to sale product through their various shops and outlets
  •   Sponsor  a new member under them
  • ·Help a team member come up to a better ranking.
  • ·Grease occasions for members by turning up in mass and style

Benefits of LONGRICH  network;
  • Products are of high quality, natural and affordable,
  • No sales accumulated target
  • Earn weekly bonuses according to team’s activity
  • Earn bonuses to our last generation
  • We are expected to have only 3 downlines
  • No pressure
  • Qualify leg no flush
  • Single group can make money
  • 2 groups can achieve financial freedom
  • Qualify leg non flush
  • 15% on all sponsored distributors
  • Start off your own retail business when you retail the products.
  •  A  one time N36,000 combo (optional) order qualifies you to earn N8,000 from who you register provided the new member at the point of registration also includes the combo in his order.
  • Sponsor outside your first generation and and earn bonuses as though it’s your first        generation
  • You can register someone in any of the categories and there is room for upgrade to the next level.
  • You are expected to have 3 down-lines in the long run as your first generation and each down lines to have 3 each and so on and so forth. All these form your generation till infinity and bonuses are awarded in     each level you attain.
  • Upon registration, products worth the amounts of your choice are supplied to you immediately. If    there will be delays, you will be informed before time.
  • Upon registration, a page is created for you on , with your    distributor id and password you can access your page and monitor your activities, bonuses, and incentives awarded.
  • As a distributor in any of the categories, you register 3 people. Bonuses stars counting from the 5th week of registration of at least 2 down lines.
  • Bonuses are paid weekly into your bank account.
  • As a sponsor you also earn directly a bonus from you generation outside your first.
  • This network makes you earn to the last generation of your team.
  • The compensation plan is very competitive and encouraging.
  • We have 8 reward bonuses which are captured in the compensation plan.
  • The network is teamwork and the more people you have in your team, the more you grow and earn big.
  • There are no repurchase order target and all other targets.
  • There is no re-registration as a result of inactivity over a period of time.
  • You can start earning bonuses as you register a minimum of 2 people.
  • Your status is the level in which you register as and later upgraded to , this is solely done by your effort while the level (Diamonds) is dependent on your effort and your teams’.
Diamond 1  (720 Purchase Value)– registering as a gold member automatically places you at this level.
Diamond 2 (1,680 Purchase Value) – registering as platinum or your work and your teams immediately places you on this level.
Diamond 3 (3,600 Purchase Value) - your effort and your teams places you on this level . This can be achieved by having a minimum of 2 legs, one 2 diamond in each leg.
Diamond 4  ( 15,000 Purchase Value)- places you here and you can then apply for a stockist, and the company begins to pay you for administration at your region. At this level the 1% global travels is attributed to all Diamond 4 and above.  Can be achieved by having a minimum of 2 legs, one 3 diamond in each leg.
Diamond 5 – (75,000  Purchase Value) – your team and your effort places you at this level and here you get cash gifts. Can be achieved by having a minimum of 2 legs, one 4 diamond on each leg.
Diamond 6 – ( 225,000 Purchase Value)-effort by your team and you places you here and a 1% share for car  and travel. Can be achieved by having a minimum of 2 legs, one five diamond in each leg.
Diamond 7 – ( 450,000  Purchase Value) – effort by you and your team  earns you 0.5%points on house , 1% on travel and 1% car through the worldwide incentive. This can be achieved by having a minimum of 3 legs, one 5 diamond in each leg.
1 Star Director- (1,500,000Purchase Value) – This can be achieved by having minimum of 3 legs, one 6 diamond in each leg. 
2 Star Director- (3,750,000Purchase Value)-This requires a minimum of 3 legs, one 7 Diamond in each leg.
3 Star Director -( 9,000,000 Purchase Value)- Requires minimum of 3 legs, one 1 Star Director in each leg.
4 Star Director-(20,000,000 Purchase Value)- Requires minimum of 3 legs, one 2 Star Director in each leg.
5 Star Director- (60,000,000 Purchase Value)- Requires minimum of 3 legs, one 3 Star Director in each leg,
-Please note that when a promo is launched and one registers with the promo amount, the status changes after a cycle, i.e if you register as a gold, the system places you on silver and after the cycle automatically upgrades you to the promo gold.
To join this business opportunity, kindly call kj on 08036633808 and we will get back to you Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Friday, 29 August 2014


1.       Longrich Superbklean Magnetic Energy Sanitary Napkin: This product is use by woman during their menstrual period. Is an innovative healthcare product that takes care of every menstrual discomfort and also cure infections; gynecological infections/ vaginal infection (infection of the reproductive system) it contains an energy strip in the middle which is made up of; Anion: this kills 99.9% of bacteria by preventing the bad blood from forming aerobic bacteria with the vaginal environment, Far-infrared: is the light of life, it activate the blood circulation & micro circulations and lastly Patented bio-magnetism: this helps the body magnetism by pulling down any toxic waste out of the body. This product is good for all women especially those who just gave birth & those who had miscarriage, it helps them to get rid of bad blood & water from the body.
2.       Longrich Superbklean Magnetic Energy Panty Liner: This product is normally used by woman alone to keep them clean after urinating instead of using poor quality toilet tissue by sticking it on their pants, but because of the presence of the multi functional strips men & woman can use this product. It help prevent toilet infections like itching and can be used to cure headache, rheumatism, body pains, leukemia & Carteret eye diseases, prostate gland & arthritis by activating the strike with a little water, placing it on the affected parts & holding it with a bandage for 2-3 days at least. See video for application.
3.       Longrich Professional White Tea Toothpaste: This product is just more than ordinary toothpaste, it’s made from natural herbs and it helps to kill the bacteria that eats up the gum, whitens the teeth and freshens the breath. It’s a testimony for people with tooth problems. It comes in 200g pack.
Do you want to buy or start selling any of these products.

4.       Longrich Natural Essence Bamboo Soap: Longrich Bamboo soap is made from natural deep cleansing ingredients of bamboo tree. It gives deep cleansing to the skin; it restores badly damaged skin like pimples, spots, heat rashes, cream burn & sun burn back to its original state. It does not bleach or darkens the complexion but I maintain its original color. It comes in a pack of three. 

5.       Longrich Classy Style Energy Cup: The classy Style Energy cup converts acid water into alkaline water which when taken reduces the high acid level in the body thereby balancing the PH level of the body. Lets drink healthy and energized water of high quality that is free of chlorine, toxic and heavy metals, anytime, anywhere. Good for everyone especially people with stroke, diabetes, smokers and heavy drinkers. This cup comes in three different styles: 300ML Blue color cup, 400ML Silver color cup, 500ML Red color(for family use)
6.       Longrich Anti-Mosquito Spray (Flower & Fruits Fragrance): This product repels mosquitoes for up to 8 hours, with obvious effect. With this Longrich tells mosquitoes “touch not my anointed and do my people no harm” Elegant fragrance after use, fresh and relaxing. The initial is a fresh and fragrant citrus aroma, the body fragrance is an elegant floral, and a sensual musk incense at the end, overall being elegant and harmonious. It’s actually an anti-mosquito body spray. Apply before going to bed on all the expose part of your body spray & rub properly and sleep like a baby.

7.       Longrich Cordyceps Militaris (Northern Chinese Caterpillar Fungus) thisis a naturalanti biotic. jointly research and development by  Tsinghua University (College of Life Science) • Longrich Bioscience Research Institute, Longrich Cosmetics Pharmaceutical Research Inscitute USA Inc. and Shanghai Guobao Enterprise Development Center, the product is collected from high-quality natural Cordyceps strains, applies modern biotechnology and is a new generation of high-quality Cordyceps militaris by means of industrialized cultivation. Active ingredients in Longrich Cordyceps militaris are higher than that of ordinary Cordyceps and the quality is stable after the component analysis evaluation test and quantitative analysis. Cures all internal infections of the kidney, liver, etc.
8.       Longrich NutriVRich Nutritious Vegefruit Instant Drink: All the raw materials for this product originate from an organic farm. These are dozens of natural foods, including cereals, algae, vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, chlorophyll, food fiber and trace elements. They are blended according to a scientific formula so that the nutrients are preserved to the maximum degree by strictly executed vacuum freezing, drying, pulverizing and sub-packaging. The result is a healthy food full of natural vitality. Vrich pink color is good for hytertension, diabetes, weight watchers & those who diet, while the blue pack is good for everybody.
9.       Longrich Arthro SupReviver Tablets (single bottle): This health care product is made from chondroitin stearate. Animal Functional experiment has proved that it has the health function of strengthening the immune system. It also reduce chronic pains

10.   Longrich Chewable Calcium Tablets: This health food can supplement the shortage of calcium in the bones. It’s good for everybody especially women, children & the old people ( Aged), it helps prevent osteoporosis in women. Longrich calcium is made up of zinc, magnesium and milk. Unlike other that consist of only zinc and magnesium.

11.   Longrich Mouth Freshener Spray: Contains white tea and menthol essence, for refreshment, to clean breath and protect oral health. Good for people with chronic mouth odor. Business executives, pastors, doctors, nurses, public servant use it to freshen their breath before any meet. It is good for everybody, it’s also medicinal.

12.   Longrich Health Wine: Longrich health wine (Drink and get healthy) is an Immunity adjustment wine, it helps to boost the immune system, it’s a purifier, cleanser, it improves fertility in both  male and female. It is good for men and woman. NOT good for pregnant women and people with cardio-cerebral-vascular diseases and hepatic/renal insufficiency. Can be diluted with water.

13.   Longrich Classy Energy Pot: This product regulates the amount of heat energy that enters the pot when cooking thereby retaining up to 85% of the food nutritional value after cooking.

14.   Longrich Treatment Hair Shampoo: made from natural ingredience. It helps keep the hair healthy and clean. Ideal for all women.

15.   Longrich Herbal Moisturizing Body wash: Liquid soap that suits every skin
16.   Longrich Baby Wash: (Baby care) Good for all babies
Longrich Sheep Placenta SOD Milk Body Cream:
It is rich in many kinds of nutrition, such as the placenta essence, SOD and Vitamin E etc.
It is easily absorbed by skin and can promptly penetrate into skin, vitalize
And repair scathed skin.
It deeply care skin, and make it keep rich lipid, preventing the aging skin. It can prevent crimple and leaves skin smooth and tender.


Creating wealth is not something that is typically taught in schools and although many people dream of becoming wealthy, very few actually take the time to learn the secrets to success or put strategies in place to set themselves up for future financial gain. Most people just expect success to happen, what they fail to realise is that success comes to those who make it happen. If you’re willing to learn, in this chapter we’ll teach you how.
creating wealth
There are many books that would argue that the best way to achieve financial freedom is by getting your money to work for you (e.g. shares, real estate etc.). This principle is great in theory but unpractical for many, as in order for your money to make money, you actually need money to start with. Yes, you can always cut back on your spending and start to save your pennies to improve your financial situation, but how long will it take for you to see the return and are you willing to sacrifice your quality of life to achieve it?
“The best investment I ever made was the time I invested to learn how the wealthy get that way.” - Troy Rocavert
The good news is that there are no real secrets to creating wealth and financial freedom. In reality, all it takes is a little bit of education, time, the right mindset and a few good decisions and you could be on your way to creating a lifetime of wealth.
“There is a vast flowing river of money in the world today - you just need to know where and when to dip your bucket in, such that you can start collecting it.”
Take your time to work through this free chapter as we explain the most important principles of creating wealth. In particular we’ll concentrate on the differences between linear and residual income, the power of leverage and how to put yourself in the right mindset so that you’re positioning yourself for success.


The Compensation Plan

Compensation plans are ultimately the way in which you get paid in a network marketing business and therefore it is important that you understand how they work. In this chapter we will teach you how to understand a network marketing pay plan and in particular discuss the 4 basic compensation structures listed below. This chapter will also evaluate the benefits and limitations of each of the common pay plan structures and help you to indentify the best compensation plan.
The 4 basic compensation plan structures include:

How to Understand a Compensation Plan

Despite the fact that every network marketing company’s compensation plan is different, most plans are based around one of the 4 basic structures. The main difference between the pay plans using the same structure is that they vary in the commissions paid and in additional bonuses.
Although some network marketing companies claim to have a better compensation plan, we strongly encourage you not to join a network marketing company purely based on what their compensation plan has to offer. Instead, focus on the complete package which includes the products, the practicality of the business opportunity and the fairness of the compensation plan.
On this page we will teach you how to understand a compensation plan. Given that every compensation plan is different, some of the terminology may be different to the plans you have previously looked at. Also, please bare in mind that not all the information on this page will be relevant to every plan.
To understand any compensation plan in its entirety, you need to first understand some basic concepts and jargon that is commonly used by people in the network marketing industry. Such terms might include sponsor, business centre, width, depth, levels, legs, upline, downline, crossline, point value, volume, commission, bonuses and organisation. These terms may look a little intimidating at first, but don’t be discouraged, we’ll talk you through them and then towards the end evaluate the different plans available.
The sponsor is the person responsible for introducing and signing you up with their network marketing company. Your sponsor is also the person responsible for making sure that you receive adequate training and support to help you succeed.
Distributor and Associates
You become a distributor once you sign the paperwork and join the network marketing company. Some companies may refer to their distributors as associates. These terms will be used interchangeably throughout this website.
Business Centre
When you first join a network marketing company you are given a business centre which then entitles you to get paid a commission in reward for the work your organisation achieves. The organisation refers to both yourself and all the members (distributors) that you and your team have sponsored. Think of your organisation like a big department store where all the shops inside are independently owned and operated. Although you are not the boss of each shop, as they are independently owned, you do earn a profit from their work. Likewise, in network marketing the more work your organisation does the more you get paid inturn. The diagram below illustrates both a business centre and your organisation.
Network marketing structure
Upline and Downline
Two of the most common terms used in network marketing are upline and downline.
Upline refers to all the individual distributors sponsored directly above you. Although upline distributors should provide training and support to the members of their organisation and help them become successful, their individual sponsoring efforts will normally have little or no impact on your commission cheque.
Downline refers to the individuals who have joined your organisation and are positioned below you in the compensation structure. Although you are encouraged to support your downline distributors, essentially each member of your downline owns and operates their organisation independently.
Width and Depth
One of the main differences between the numerous compensation plan structures is the width and depth of the plan.
Width refers to the maximum number of distributors that you can have placed immediately under you in the compensation structure commonly known as your “frontline”.
Depth refers to the number of levels deep in which you can earn a commission for their efforts. Naturally there is only so many times in which you can split a dollar, therefore a commission based on the work of the distributors in your downline can only go so deep.
In the forced matrix structure the width and depth of the plan is normally written as a simple equation (width x depth). For example, the diagram below suggests this plan that has a width of 3 distributors (ie each business centre can sponsor a maximum of 3 frontline distributors) and is 2 levels deep, so therefore it would be written as a 3x2 plan.
Compensation plan
In some compensation structures it is possible to have infinite width (Unilevel and Stair Step Breakaway plans), where others may have unlimited depth (Binary plan). Each plan will be discussed in more detail through the links listed at the bottom of this page.
Level refers to the position of a distributor in a downline relative to an upline distributor. As demonstrated in the diagram below those highlighted would be referred to as 2nd level distributors as they sit 2 levels below your business centre in the compensation structure. Naturally those frontline distributors who are positioned directly below you could also be referred to as 1st level distributors.
Compensation plan
Crossline refers to the relationship between two or more distributors who work for the same company, but whose efforts do not influence one another’s commissions as they are not part of each others organisation. For example, all distributors on the same level would be cross line from one another.
Every frontline or first level distributor that you sponsor into your organisation forms a new leg. For example, in the diagram below there are 3 frontline distributors and therefore 3 legs (2 outside legs and a middle leg). If it was a 4 x 6 plan there would be 4 legs (2 outside legs and two middle legs). In some plans where there are a large number of frontline distributors these legs are often numbered from left to right 1st leg, 2nd leg, 3rd leg,…etc.
Compensation plan
Another way to look at the legs of your business is that each leg represents a new organisation that is owned and operated by your frontline distributors. By helping your frontline distributors build their “organisation”, this helps you to build one of your legs and therefore can help strengthen your organisation.
Point Value
Regardless of what kind of industry you work in, the main goal of that industry is to sell a product or service. The network marketing industry is no different. For every product sold in network marketing, a predetermined amount of the profit is paid to the team of distributors who were responsible for the sale.
Given that there are a number of network marketing companies that operate in a number of different countries around the world the easiest and most fair way to pay distributors commission is to use a point system. Each product has an assigned point value and your commission is determined by the volume of points that flow through your organisation. This way it doesn’t matter where you operate your business from (e.g. America, Australia, Japan etc.) you are entitled to the same commission as your fellow colleagues on the other side of the world.
It is important to understand that although higher priced products normally offer a higher point value as a reward, this is not always the case. The other advantage of the point system is that because different products have different point values, if a company is trying to promote a particular product, they can allocate it with a higher point value as an incentive for distributors to sell that particular product. The table below summarises an example of point values.
Point valve
Calculating Point Volumes and Commissions
The commission you earn in a network marketing business is directly related to the total volume of points that flows through your organisation. Therefore your goal is to build your business so that you have a greater volume of points flowing through your organisation, thereby earning a higher commission cheque.
Each compensation plan structure calculates total volume in a slightly different way, however they normally take into account some, maybe all of the following volumes:
  • Level volume - the amount of points each level of your business has accumulated in that pay period.
  • Leg volume – the amount of points each leg of your business has accumulated in that pay period.
  • Group volume - the amount of points that has accumulated through your entire organisation in that pay period.
  • Carry over volume – the amount of points not paid a commission in your last pay period that are then carried over and entitled to earn a commission in your next pay period. Carry over volume basically allows any unpaid points to carry over to the following pay period so that you don’t lose any commission.
Variable Level Commissions
This is where compensation plans begin to confuse people looking at the business for the first time. In particular, the Stair-Step Breakaway, UniLevel and the Forced Matrix Plans normally offer a variable commission rate for each level of distributors within your organisation. For example, in the diagram below the left hand side demonstrates how the commission rate might vary on points accumulated on each level.
Variable compensation plan
In the above example, if you were to have the variable commission rate you would receive 10% commission based on the first level volume, 15% commission based on the second level volume and another 5% commission based on volume in the third level.
Alternatively, if the compensation plan offers a consistent commission rate (featured on the right) then you would earn the same commission percentage for each level. For example, in the above diagram you would earn a 10% commission from all 3 levels. One of the main advantages of the Binary System is that it normally uses a consistent commission rate, making it easier for people to understand.
Rank Advancements
As discussed previously, when you first join a network marketing business you become either a distributor or an associate depending on the company. As your organisation grows and you reach a certain level of volume flowing through your organisation (or a certain number of levels deep), the company allows you to rank advance - meaning that you gain a new title and earn recognition from your peers.
To highlight the kind of rank advances that distributors might achieve we have listed below some of the rank achievements that are commonly known across the industry. Although you may start out as a distributor, as your organisation grows you may become a Director or potentially a Diamond Director.
Common rank advancements include:

  • Leader
  • Director
  • Bronze Director
  • Silver Director
  • Gold Director
  • Ruby Director
  • Emerald Director
  • Diamond Director
Rank advancements not only help to recognise the leaders within the industry, but often normally have a bonus that comes with achieving that level. For example, regardless of what network marketing company you worked for, if you were to meet a Diamond Director from a different company you would immediately recognise that this person is a very successful network marketer and that you could learn a great deal from their advice.
Many network marketing companies offer bonuses as part of their compensation plan as a way of attracting people to join their business model. These bonuses are normally in the form of a bigger pay cheque, however in recent years there have been a number of new companies that are now offering car and travel bonuses. It is important to understand that normally these bonuses only come to those who achieve a certain level of success, hence there is normally a fair amount of groundwork involved before you are entitled to earn such bonuses.
What is the Best Plan?
Every compensation plan has both benefits and drawbacks, some of which are discussed in the links on this page. When it comes to recommending the best plan it really depends on what previous experience you have had in the industry. Given our experience in the industry with a number of different compensation plans we tend to lean towards the fairer of the compensation plans.
A good point to remember when it comes to joining a network marketing company, what the compensation plan has to offer is only part of the equation. When evaluating network marketing companies we suggest you look at the entire package which includes the products, the comapany, leadership of the company and practicality of the business model.

Finding Your Path to Success With Network Marketing

-By Debi Jones Tips and Guidelines to assist you to find success in Network Marketing
Thousands enter the network marketing arena each year in the hope of finding financial freedom, but the majority quit before their business really has a chance to take off. Why would they walk away from a business that they have barely given honest effort too? After all, a brick and mortar business can take from 3-5 years to turn a profit and that time frame is expected and allowed for in planning and budgeting. However, network marketing is perceived as a different breed of animal and many come to the table with a much shorter time frame in mind to achieve success.
Why have so many tried network marketing and failed while others have found success with the very same business they had just walked away from? Just how does one build a productive network marketing business and what are the steps needed to make it work? We will explore selecting a business that is right for you and review a few of the key components necessary to make that business an income producing success.
Selecting the Right Product or Service
Do your homework before you get involved with a company. It's important to you and the success of your business if you can believe in and to be passionate about the product or service you will be promoting. If you can't wholeheartedly get behind the product or service yourself, you are going to have a difficult time convincing others to purchase it. That conviction and passion will help you through the rough spots as you build your business.
Make sure your product or service is something that people want and need and is in high demand. Also, is the product or service something that will be bought repeatedly, such as on a monthly basis. This is a plus cause these purchases create residual income that will generate income for you long after the initial sale.
The Company Behind the Product
You have selected the perfect product or service. Now it's time to take a good look at the company behind it. It's easy to research just about anything you want to know about a company online. How long have they been in business? It is a wise choice to choose a company that has been in business for at least 5 years. That shows strength and stability and they will likely be there to pay you now and down the road. Also, do they continue to develop products or services to create additional income streams for their distributors and attract new customers? What are the start up costs to becoming a distributor? Are there monthly requirements and, if so, what are they? Does the company have a return policy and how does it work?
Let's Talk About the Money!
You got involved in network marketing to generate income so it only makes sense to take the time to understand the compensation plan. Focus on learning what type of incentives the company offers, and then do your best to maximize the benefits of these incentives. Does the company offer fast start bonuses and other bonus pools? What are the ways to earn commission? Taking the time to understand how the compensation plans works and to put that knowledge into practice will reward you over and over.
Training and Support
You Have Decided on a Product/Service you can get behind and promote, you like what you see regarding the company and compensation plan, now it is time to take a look at the Training and Support. Does the company offer a tried and tested, easy to duplicate marketing system?
Many teams also offer a marketing system that they have developed and are using with great success. It is a plus to join a team that works with their own marketing system. It is a system developed by the members of the team and has likely been tweaked to perfection and ready to plug into.
Take a look at the person you are considering signing with. Is he actively building and growing his group and will he take the time to work with you to get you comfortable with the system and help you with your prospects during this learning curve? Will he provide you with the support and leadership you are going to need to help you get your business moving as quickly and efficiently as possible? Get to know your upline, for they can too, offer training and support to help you along your way.
The more they help you, the more it helps them. The bottom line here is that network marketing is all about duplication, and you want to join a team that is focused on doing what it takes to be successful. Attend company conventions and webinars, both offer invaluable information. You have made the decision to get involved in network marketing, a decision that could change your life forever and you owe it to yourself to make sure you team up with a sponsor that is as serious as you are about building a successful business.
Setting Goals
Set goals for yourself and your business. Again, your sponsor can be a wealth of information to help you with this. Together you can set up a business plan (goals) of where you want to be and how long it will take to get there. Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Goals help you to stay on task. They offer check points along the way to ensure you are on target to reaching your desired results and to make changes if necessary and continue. Goals can be daily, weekly, monthly, 6 months, a year or more, whatever you feel comfortable working with. IF you stray from the plan, that's ok, try to not make a habit of it, just get yourself back on track as soon as possible and move forward.
It All Comes Down to YOU
You can have the best product in the world to sell, a great marketing system and the best support, but there is one very important element that will either make or break your network marketing business. That element is YOU! You can have the best marketing system, product, and support the industry has to offer but unless you are willing to roll up your sleeves, take that information and apply it, it will all be for naught. A sponsor is willing to go only so far with a recruit who is not taking advantage of the tools before him. If he sees that you are not giving honest effort, he will put you on the back burner and move on to someone more worthy of his time. He is there to help and guide but not do it all for you.
Make a decision at the onset that you will do your part to learn the system and then some. Also, make up your mind that you are going to give your business at least a year to get off the ground and producing income. There is a learning curve and some marketing strategies takes time to implement to see results. It's ok to get discouraged and frustrated along the way, talk with your sponsor often to make sure you are on the right track and make changes if needed. Bottom line, give your business the chance you both deserve for the rewards can be great!
In Conclusion
Network marketing can be a fantastic opportunity to truly make a difference in your life and to improve your overall financial situation. It will take lots of work, commitment, dedication, and just plain stuborness. Your Journey in network marketing can be a bit rough but, make no mistake, the rewards are great if you stay the course. In addition to the incredible income you can generate, there are other benefits. The amazing people you meet, the special lessons you learn, and the fascinating experiences you encounter will leave a lasting impression on your life. Network marketing is an experience like no other and I am very glad to be part of this industry.
Written by Debi Jones